
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

New Life is passionate about promoting the Good News of Jesus Christ through missions– both local and abroad.  This mercy and mission has impacted nations across the globe.  We are excited to carry on this mandate to go into all the world.

Missions Projects  -  University of the Nations  -  South East Asia

Duane and Chantal - Leaders

Since 2010 this family, 25-year veterans of YWAM, have been operating this base.  It’s vision is to be an incubator for missions, a place that shapes and influences people to go out and advance God's Kingdom. The following are some examples that “SE Asia Project – University of the Nations” are involved with:   Thrice yearly DTS and other Schools, prison ministry, ministry to the homeless, to the hungry, and to children through SOCCER, has resulted in the significant bearing of Fruit (salvations, lives changed).  With a staff of approximately 50, they are a dynamic force serving this area.

Video:  Training  Young  Leaders  in  Asia

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