Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
“NLC has a profound history of promoting the gospel – both local and abroad. This mercy and mission has impacted nations across the globe. While economics and other issues have wounded this heart of outreach, our aim is to rebuild and restore – both in budget and by vital prayer -- through the grace of God.”
Missions Projects - Brentwood Bay
Mua and Marie Va’a – leaders
Muavae and Marie Va’a have lived on the lands of the Tsartlip First Nation for over 20 years. Located on the west side of the Saanich Peninsula, off Brentwood Bay, this was Marie’s birthplace. After spending some years away, involved in the Youth With A Mission organization, she returned to her people with her husband to raise her 3 beautiful children. Mua and Marie continue to be involved with health care, youth ministry, elder care, gardening, and serving the band and counsel. Their reach has also extended into the local Young Life group, with the Pacific Peoples Partnership, and various municipalities, not to mention YWAM Victoria. They often host the “Blanket Exercise” illustrating facts from the Truth and Reconciliation commission to interested persons. We are proud to be among supporters of the Va’a’s.
Encourage our active missionaries
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